If there’s one thing that minor-league managers and coaches can depend on, it’s that change is inevitable. Of course, manager Trey Hillman found that out the hard way in 1997. Minor league team or not, Norwich had a tumultuous season as there was hardly any position that did not undergo some sort of change. “It’s strange to look back on the season and see how many we’ve had play different positions,” Hillman said. “At any point in time we’ve had six different third basemen, six shortstops and second basemen, four first basemen, two catchers and four guys in right and center. That’s a lot of change in the course of a season and it affects how things turn out in games.” Not that the season turned disastrous for the Navigators; they just didn’t do as well as they hoped they would. In mid-June, the Navigators sported a 41-29 record, but injuries and call-ups dented their momentum and they finished with a respectable 73-69 record. During one stretch the Navigators persevered after losing most of the punch in their lineup when Gabby Martinez suffered a hamstring injury while Mike Lowell and Brian Buchanan were promoted to Triple-A Columbus. Still, there was no shortage of bright spots for the Navigators. Chris Ashby made the transition from catcher to first base and finished with 24 homers and 82 RBI. Kurt Bierek bounced back from a tough start to hit 18 homers and 78 RBI. In addition, Martinez was exceptional at shortstop when he was healthy. Overall, Hillman was very pleased with the results in ’97. “I think we’ve seen development in everyone,” Hillman said. “We’ve had things we’ve had to persevere through, and, as a staff, I think we’ve done as much as possible to stay positive. This can be a really negative game but we’ve overcome that this year.”